A great midweek run!

Wouldn’t you know it, all I needed for a good, hard run was a group. DUH.

Heart and Sole Sports has a Tuesday night 5:30 pm fun run that I’ve never gone to. It was perfect for my schedule, so I swung by. I was thrilled when three girls showed up that were in a trail running group with me before, and similar to my speed. Perfect!

I ran most of the way chatting Drue’s ear off about life and love and marriage and divorce, and we ran a lovely 4.8 miles that included a flat section, some uphills, some fast downhills, and then some flats back to the store.

Until I have the computer set up that’s moving with me, I won’t have any Garmin uploads, but here are the splits:Running is fun!

Mile 1: 9:49
Mile 2: 9:38
Mile 3: 10:33
Mile 4: 10:33
Last .8: 10:35 pace

The first two miles are the same as my crappy feeling run last week, and then I kept going! And I felt GREAT. And I felt great after. And I’ve been smiling all night.

I love how a good run makes me feel. Like this:

Running & Romance

One of my friends sent me this lovely proposal story:

Chicago Marathon Proposal

Even going through a divorce, I’m a sucker for a sweet proposal story! What really gets me about this one is that they were running to qualify for BOSTON when he added a proposal to the mix. It’s very sweet.

Even though I’m not even close to ready for anyone new in my life, I do hope that someday I find my perfect running partner. ♥