First Fartlek

So I’d never done a Fartlek before tonight. I’d done tempo runs, track workouts, mile repeats… but never an official Fartlek.

Tonight’s speed workout with my Fiesta training group broke that streak. Our prescription: Mile-ish warmup, 4 times through: 3 min hard, 2 min easy, mile-ish cooldown.

Alamo park was our destination, which is about 1.2 miles from the store. I didn’t feel like I was pushing it TOO hard on that first mile, but it clocked at 10:12. Ok!

Then it was time for the Fartleking. Alamo park has a track-like path that goes around the edge of it, which is longer than a track, about .4 miles around. Each 3 minute hard segment I fell just short of making it one trip around. Pushing it hard for three minutes was tough! I kinda felt like dying on the last one. A lot. But my pace on them was pretty great!


Whew. On the two minute rest breaks, I’d walk a bit, drink some water, and then try to jog really lightly until the next whistle blow. Those segments are pretty slow. But overall, the whole run ended up being 4.25 miles with an average pace of 10:15. Yay for speedwork! (And now my right shin is pretty cranky. Enter ice pack.)